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Marine Finance

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A stronger funding line

The Maritime sector is a principal contributor to our economy with workboats and cargo ships critical to our import and export services. At GPS Financial we offer support and expertise to this key industry by providing finance to operators of vessels and related marine equipment.

Vessels we finance

We finance a wide range of vessels, boats and associated equipment, including

  • General purpose boats
  • Support and supply craft
  • Survey Vessels
  • Coastal Ships
  • Passenger vessels and ferries
  • Tugs and jack up barges
  • Hire boat fleats

and much more..

The solutions we offer

One size doesn’t fit all, and that’s especially true in the diverse marine industry. That’s why we provide a range of solution.

How GPS Financial can help

  • We apply a flexible approach, exploring bespoke opportunities with each client
  • Our understanding and experience of the industry means we can make fast, informed decisions
  • We can work across territories for UK-based enterprises